
Tips for Small Kitchens

Having a small kitchen is something that can be a challenge when looking to remodel the space. If you are getting started making these arrangements and you want to ensure that you get the best look and that you can even make the kitchen appear larger than it is, there are some tips that can make a difference. Here are the top tips that providers of kitchen remodeling in Anaheim Hills, CA want you to keep in mind for small kitchens.


Choosing the right color for the kitchen can make a difference in how large or small your kitchen looks. White is always a good color choice, and so are saturated hues. Many times, people are afraid of using saturated hues because they fear that it will make the space feel claustrophobic, but the opposite is true. Choosing a blue or a brown and pair it with an overall white look to get the style you want.


Another thing to remember is to go for a more modern, minimalist style. A classic look can make the space appear even smaller than it is so you do not want to opt for that. Instead, choose sleek counters and appliances. The kitchen will appear roomier, with the added benefit that it will also be easier to keep it clean.


You also want to think about storage space. Because the space is small, you may feel limited in the number of cabinets you can have, but there are ways of enhancing the storage space. Have drawers installed, and add them to as many of the cabinets as you can. You may want to consider adding cabinetry underneath the counter spaces in islands, as well, so that you can have fewer appliances out in the open, which can make the space feel crowded.

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Another option you want to consider is using glass doors on the cabinets instead of solid ones. This will make the room less crowded. This is especially important if you have a narrow kitchen that otherwise might feel too close. You can also opt to add mirrors, since that can enhance the amount of light the kitchen gets and it can also go a long way into making it appear bigger.


When you start planning on how to remodel a kitchen that is small and that you may feel is crowded, you want to consider reaching out to options like getting modern, sleek looks. You want to maximize storage space and you want to also think about the color that you paint the walls. Even if you think none of these things will make a difference, you will want to consider them for your kitchen. You can learn more about working with a small kitchen space by contacting an Anaheim Hills, CA kitchen remodeling team like us at Kitchen Cabinets and Beyond. We are ready to help you find exactly the kind of options you need to make your kitchen look and function at its best. Give us a call right now or stop by our location today to ask more questions.

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